Throughout my life one of my favourite places to explore has been cemeteries. I believe there is something special in reading the headstones of people from the past, that having their existence in someone’s thoughts, if only for a brief period, brings them back to life for an instant and honours their time on Earth. They are also special for photography, with statues and headstones providing plenty of interesting subject matter.

One of the oldest cemeteries in Brisbane is the Toowong Cemetery. Officially opened in 1875 (although the first burials started in 1871), it is a historical treasure here in Brisbane Australia. Located on the hills below Mt Cootha, it is a short drive from the city and contains a plethora of trails and interesting sites to shoot.

I chose to shoot the cemetery on a stormy day, spending some parts of the day huddling under an umbrella in the rain. Using a Leica M3 with a 90mm portrait lens, and a pocket full of 35mm Ilford XP2 black and white rolls, I wandered the tracks (and sometimes off the tracks) looking for the most interesting shots. As the day progressed, it was clear to me that statues of angels captured my attention more than anything else to be found there.

I came home with a couple of rolls to choose images from, and with help from my partner Leanne J Photography and her far superior editing skills, cleaned up my chosen images a little before finalising the set. I hope you like them as much as I do.