Brisbane Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography


People look back over their lives and reminisce about all manner of things. Places they’ve travelled to, achievements they’ve earned for work or sport, funny stories with friends and family. But for most people there are two key milestones that they get particularly sentimental about: the birth of their children, and their wedding day.

Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography Brisbane Australia

Having the honour of photographing such days is something to be taken seriously. A photo is more than just a digital file, a profile pic on social media, something that gets put away with life’s paperwork. A photo is a snapshot in time of that most special of moments. Photos from a wedding day aren’t photos that get lost in time, they represent the type of memory people want to keep until the very end of their lives.

Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography Brisbane Australia

Think of the elders in your life, parents and grandparents. It’s likely they’ll have their most sentimental photos framed and displayed around their house. There will be photos of their kids and maybe even their grandkids as well. And then there will be photos of their wedding day with their cherished life partner. When all the other memories fade, these are the things that people hold onto. Those special days represent the best moments in their lives, the moments of true love, joy and the start of their dream for their future lives together.

Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography Brisbane Australia

This is the enormous responsibility that a photographer takes on when shooting a wedding. There’s no second chances, no new takes, no way to recreate the moment once it’s done. Every photo needs to be captured as it happens on one very special day. Every moment of love, every interaction with family, those moments when kids do something special that makes everyone laugh. All of these moments together become key parts of this long remembered day. These micro-moments need to be captured, often thousands of them, so that the photographer can put together a package of images that will define these memories for the rest of the bride and grooms’ lives.

Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography Brisbane Australia

This year I’ve had the pleasure of working with Leanne James from Leanne J Photography. Leanne is a New Zealand-born commercial photographer with over two decades of commercial photography experience, having shot weddings, childcare photos, events and travel photography in Australia and overseas. She has a distinct style of photography that is highly sought after which combined with excellent interpersonal skills make her a favourite of the Brisbane wedding photography industry.

Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography Brisbane Australia

Leanne will shoot all types of weddings (we’ve travelled to weddings as far north as the Sunshine Coast or down south to the Gold Coast and Scenic Rim), but she has really focused on weddings held at the Brisbane Marriage Registry Office as well as same sex marriages. Her process involves shooting thousands of high resolution digital images which she then edits down to the very best photos of the day. As well as shooting the usual traditional wedding scenes, Leanne also captures everything from the smallest of details (dresses, flowers and rings, for example) to the most emotional of moments with family members interacting together. Children and pets often feature in her captures as much loved members of the family.  Then she packages them up into permanent password-protected galleries for the bride and groom to share with their loved ones.

Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography Brisbane Australia

Wedding photography is an art and deserves the very best and most experienced professionals to capture these moments so they can be immortalised, and looked back on, for the rest of the bride and grooms’ lives. If you’re in Brisbane and planning your special day, you should seriously consider contacting Leanne to see if she’s available.

Brisbane Wedding Photography with Leanne J Photography

Useful Links:

Leanne J Photography Main Website

Brisbane Marriage Registry Wedding Photography

Leanne J Photography on Instagram