Tag: photography

Hybrid Film & Digital Shoot – Reap & Sow Tattoo

HYBRID FILM & DIGITAL SHOOT – REAP & SOW TATTOOS Recently Leanne from Leanne J Photography and I teamed up for a hybrid client shoot for high end tattoo studio Reap & Sow Tattoo in Brisbane’s eastern suburbs. The brief was straight forward – capture the ambiance of the studio and the work of its artists in residence without being too obtrusive, and deliver a bank of high rez photos the business could utilise for their website and social media. Leanne concentrated on high end digital photos, blazing away with

High School Pre-Formal Hybrid Shoot

HIGH SCHOOL PRE-FORMAL HYBRID SHOOT I had the privilege recently to take pre-formal photos of a family friend, Eva. Packing a camera case with both film and digital bodies, and a using interchangeable 50mm f1.8 and 105mm f2.5 lenses, I managed to use the brief time-slot provided to take some lovely images. The editing process is totally different when shooting digital images alongside black & white film. I was loading reels and developing the rolls of Ilford Delta 400 film I’d used, whilst simultaneously downloading memory cards and sending digital

Experimenting with Harman Phoenix 200 Film

EXPERIMENTING WITH HARMAN PHOENIX 200 FILM Harman Technology, the company more commonly associated with its famous Ilford brand of black & white film, dark room chemicals and photographic paper, has come out with an experimental colour film they’ve branded Harman Phoenix 200. The company has gone to considerable effort on what they are billing as their first ever in-house colour film production, so I figured I’d put the Ilford HP5+ away for a moment and shoot a couple of rolls. The film has now been released in both 35mm and

A Study in Self & Light

A STUDY IN SELF & LIGHT When I need to develop a roll of film and have a few spare shots left, I sometimes fire off some selfies in my “darkroom” – a fancy name that covers the fact I develop in my bathroom. The lighting can be brutally bright and the background decidedly boring, so these don’t normally get shown publicly. But with these I decided to play with some very rudimentary off-camera lighting to see the effect on the final images. If you look closely you’ll see these

Wedding Shoot with Leanne J Photography

WEDDING SHOOT WITH LEANNE J PHOTOGRAPHY I recently had the chance to assist in my first wedding shoot with professional photographer Leanne James from Leanne J Photography. The 6 hour shoot was an action packed day where I spent most of my time lugging bags and lenses, moving furniture, herding guests, and any other basic task so that Leanne could concentrate of capturing the best photos possible of this beautiful day. I was also able to bring a few old cameras of my own, and when time permitted, shot a

Developing Ilford B&W Film At Home the Easy Way

DEVELOPING ILFORD B&W FILM AT HOME THE EASY WAY There comes a time in every film photographers life where either general curiosity, or more likely an urgent desire to save on film lab costs, makes us consider trying our hand at developing our own film. I struggled with this for quite a while largely because I figured I’d probably screw up every single roll of film trying to learn it. This is a serious fear considering the cost of film and the potential of destroying your own work. But eventually,

Statue Photography at Toowong Cemetery

STATUE PHOTOGRAPHY AT TOOWONG CEMETERY Throughout my life one of my favourite places to explore has been cemeteries. I believe there is something special in reading the headstones of people from the past, that having their existence in someone’s thoughts, if only for a brief period, brings them back to life for an instant and honours their time on Earth. They are also special for photography, with statues and headstones providing plenty of interesting subject matter. One of the oldest cemeteries in Brisbane is the Toowong Cemetery. Officially opened in