Hybrid Film & Digital Shoot – Reap & Sow Tattoo


Recently Leanne from Leanne J Photography and I teamed up for a hybrid client shoot for high end tattoo studio Reap & Sow Tattoo in Brisbane’s eastern suburbs. The brief was straight forward – capture the ambiance of the studio and the work of its artists in residence without being too obtrusive, and deliver a bank of high rez photos the business could utilise for their website and social media.

Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography

Leanne concentrated on high end digital photos, blazing away with her Canon mirrorless camera and banking hundreds of photos. I roamed around with my Rolleiflex 2.8e loaded with medium format Cinestill 800T or Kodak Portra 800, and a Nikon F4 loaded with Ilford Delta 400, Kodak Porta 800, or Cinestill 800T.

Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography

After a week of editing we delivered a package of 400 easily downloadable photos via our portal to the client, and have enjoyed watching them being slowly added to the client’s website and social channels.

Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography
Reap & Sow Tattoo - Sean Smith Film Photography